Thursday, January 8, 2009

Now that I've Taken the Plunge!

Welcome aboard if you're reading this and thank you for stopping by.
Feedback is always a great thing for us creative types who mostly work in isolation. I have to admit it works to my advantage most of the time that both of my kids (who I do adore by the way!) attend school full-time, I have a workaholic husband and a very patient and understanding dog. When I hit that proverbial writer's block wall, a bit of ball time with my beloved Lab, Koufax, tends to do the trick.
I have many ideas about what I want this blog to be and pardon me in advance for I will ramble at times like misfiring neurons. So a few things about me to get started.

I am passionate about my family, friends, the beach, travel, photography...

I was raised near the ocean, but have called Colorado my home for nearly 16 years.

I'll often write about a funny sounding and difficult to spell and pronounce brain tumor called a meningioma here.

I survived a baseball-sized one 8 years ago.

I am on a mission to reach every person diagnosed with a meningioma and raise much needed and overlooked awareness and research for this disease. I founded my non-profit, Meningioma Mommas six years ago to provide support and to achieve these awareness and funding needs. I'm $145,000 of the way towards my $1 million dollar goal. Thankfully, I've had a tremendous amount of help and big shoulders to lean on along this ongoing journey.

On the lighter side, a few quirky things about me...

*I'm a stomach sleeper.
*I love eating ice cream when it's freezing outside.
*I nearly faint during blood draws, but somehow managed giving birth twice and having two brain surgeries.
*I prefer the smell of coffee over its taste.
What are your quirks?!


  1. Quirks...where do I start.

    I like the tv on in the background rather than music. Music changes moves my soul and my mind tends to follow. Which is great except then I lose my train of thought.

    I toss and turn in the same pattern every night and don't realize I'm going it until I'm on my 2nd to last position.

    I avoid voice mail. Not giving, but receiving. I have no idea why.

  2. Hi Liz ... I am also a BT survivor who is always striving for ways to live a healthier and happier life. I would love it if you could share some of the things you implemented in your own life - eg. what personal care products you use, what diet you eat, does meditation or yoga feature in your life? ... that kind of thing.

    Thanks for blogging :-)

  3. Thanks for sharing Mia! Guess another one of my quirks is I can't have background noise when I'm writing.

    Welcome KiwiGirl! Will get back to you as your questions warrant their own post. :)
