Tuesday, January 20, 2009

For You Dad

I know too many people whose parents have passed away. I’m lucky to still have mine. In honor of my father who turned 78-years-old this week, what I love most about you...

1. You’re the smartest man I know.
2. I could always come home after college and did!
3. I love being your “daddy’s little girl.”
4. You’ve always supported my decisions even if you didn’t always agree with them.
5. You taught me how to ride my first bike—the cobalt blue one with the speckled banana seat.
6. When I had the chicken pox in 2nd grade you bought me a music box that played “Love Song.”
7. You shared the beauty of the ocean with me early on in my life.
8. You’re a great story teller.
9. I never got tired of hearing the tale about the “One-eyed Cyclops” at dinner time.
10. You taught me to appreciate culture even though I hated PBS as a child.
11. You helped me buy my first car after I signed your 13-page payment agreement with my brothers as witnesses.
12. You tell great dirty limericks and jokes.
13. You got me to eventually enjoy milk.
14. The great vacations to La Jolla and Big Bear.
15. Instilling the value of a college education from an early age.
16. You and mom giving me three younger brothers.
17. You love to take walks.
18. We can both say we are UC Irvine graduates.
19. You let me drink coffee-milk on Sundays.
20. You have patents.
21. You remained patient when I struggled to solve algebra and geometry problems—not an easy thing to do since you’re a mathematician.
22. Your New York accent.
23. How excited you get when the Oakland Raiders score a touch down even if they didn’t much do that this season.
24. How you called Elliot, Josh, Jonathan and me kiddley beans when we were kids.
25. Taking us on picnics at Aldrich Park.
26. The cup of always freshly sharpened pencils on your desk.
27. I learned to drive in your avocado green Pontiac.
28. You gave me the “rings” from the cigars you used to smoke.
29. Treating me and my best friend to the Bouzy Rouge Café for my 16th birthday.
30. When you gave me my first cat, Natasha, for my 8th grade graduation present.
31. How you tolerated my wearing-all-black-to-go-dancing phase in high school.
32. You save everything like I do.
33. We both like Heineken beer.
34. You always helped me write and proofread my English papers.
35. You didn’t get too upset when I double-pierced my ears in 9th grade.
36. You made it possible for me to attend college(s).
37. You fostered my interest in photography.
38. Your great bear hugs.
39. You’re sentimental.
40. You have the most extensive book collection of anyone I know.
41. You’re patient.
42. You cross your z’s and 7’s like me.
43. You’re right and left-brained.
44. You love Woody Allen films and I do too because of you.
45. I’m always proud to say “My dad attended M.I.T.”
46. You never told me how you really felt about my boyfriends until after we’d broken up.
47. Your handwriting is easier to read than mom’s.
48. You let me try Cognac when I was a toddler and I haven’t tried it since.
49. You always say “I love you” before hanging up the phone.
50. You and mom still live in the same house I grew up in.
51. Our summers spent at Shaw’s Cove.
52. You and mom getting silly on New Year’s Eve after one glass of champagne.
53. Not complaining about the huge mess my brothers and I created in the kitchen after making you breakfast in bed on special occasions.
54. You always count the number of candles on our birthday cakes to make sure they’re accurate before we make a wish.
55. My first outing to Disneyland was with you.
56. The sound of your deep voice when you sing the Sabbath blessings.
57. Taking us to Baskin-Robbins for ice cream cones.
58. Not getting too mad at grandma when she gave us chocolate buttons and candy cigarettes from Zucky’s deli.
59. You let me celebrate my birthday for three days when I was growing up!
60. The fun we had playing Careers.
61. When you used to carry me fireman-style.
62. Swinging with you in our backyard hammock.
63. Letting us play in your’ 56 Chevy in the carport.
64. Memories of you reading Twas the Night before Christmas as we gathered around the fireplace on Christmas Eve.
65. How your eyes light up when you smile.
66. You took me to my first drive in—Pinocchio in your Chevy.
67. Your eclectic tie collection, which you still have.
68. Our friendly Labyrinth competitions.
69. Sharing cream cheese and olive sandwiches and pink lemonade with you at the beach.
70. Your contagious laugh.
71. Your threadbare green and white terry cloth robe.
72. When you share the story about how you and mom met at a graduate school mixer.
73. You separate the Sunday paper into each section before you read it and so do I.
74. You and mom are still married.
75. Your sister is a great aunt.
76. You're incredibly healthy eater.
77.Your amazing memory.
78. That you’re my dad.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Liz's Dad!

    Liz~ You have an amazing memory and it seems your father has had an amazing influence on you.
