Monday, January 30, 2012

Meningioma Monday...

"A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life."--William Arthur Ward

It hasn't always been easy traversing this meningioma minefield of a journey, but I've found humor not only helpful, but extremely healing.
Humor has numerous benefits. It's been medically proven to:

*Reduce Pain.

*Decreases Stress.

*Strengthen Immune System.

Humor also has a positive impact on emotional and intellectual functioning:

• Helps put life’s trials and tribulations into healthy perspective by making them seem smaller.

• Aids us in overcoming fear.

• Allows us to take ourselves less seriously.

• Triggers our creativity.

• Burns calories!

Humor is great health care. I still can't figure out why Blue Cross and Kaiser don’t pay for it!

I now share with a few of my favorite ways to add humor to your life:

*Pretend you are a humor columnist and have to report several funny incidents daily.
*Rent funny movies.

*Buy/check out from library comedy books & tapes.

*View your life as a sitcom. Who would you cast as your family, your boss, your nosy neighbor, yourself?

*Sing your biggest problem set to your favorite song.

*Imagine Woody Allen is filming and starring in your life.

*Give hugs and smile at a stranger—it’s hard not to feel good when you’re doing something that makes you feel good too.

How do you get your daily dose of brain tumor humor?!

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